1、找到海外remote英语能力量化:5.5分 [图片] —— 2023-09-08 08:33:01
2、【英语读写练习贴010】 How To Answer "What Are Your Salary Expectations?" 【英语练习俱乐部】 Many employers ask about your salary expectations during the interview process. Some recruiters ask this question during an initial phone interview, and others wait to discuss salary until they meet y —— 2023-06-19 22:35:59
3、【英语读写练习贴010】 What is the difference between Agile and Scrum? 【英语练习俱乐部】 We learn Agile methodology from last writing post: What is Agile Methodology? (https://eleduck.com/posts/2LfJKd). As Scrum is a part of Agile methodology, interviewers may ask this question to determi —— 2023-02-27 10:37:49
4、每日一词造句【英语练习俱乐部】 英语学习的秘诀在于坚持和重复,电鸭英语俱乐部的每日一词意在带领大家学习日常生活中最常用的词和句子,逐步提高英语的能力。 学习资源来自每日一词 (http://www.manythings.org/audio/sentences/), 感谢 Charles Kelly (http://aitech.ac.jp/~ckelly/) and Lawrence Kelly (http://aitech. —— 2023-01-12 00:26:32
5、【英语读写练习贴009】What is agile methodology ? 【英语练习俱乐部】 There’s a rich history behind agile development and why organizations use agile methods such as scrum and kanban to modernize applications, improve customer experience, and implement digital transform —— 2023-01-11 23:51:14
6、【英语读写练习贴008】Tell me about a time when you delegated a project effectively【英语练习俱乐部】 You may be the best manager, the smartest engineer, or a great visionary. Nonetheless, your day has only 24 hours, and your working day only 8, unless you work overtime. You can do just as much during —— 2022-12-16 19:50:06
7、【英语读写练习贴007】Tell Me how you learn a new programming language or technical skill 【英语练习俱乐部】 As per research reports, around 70% of programmers considered themselves self-taught programmers (as of 2019). And, if we observe the trend, this number seems to be increasing rapidly. However, for be —— 2022-11-26 19:40:48
8、【英语练习贴006】Tell Me About a Time When You Failed 【英语练习俱乐部】 Tell me about a time when you failed. What did you do? what did you learn? What was the final result? How does it influence your future action? [图片] related article https://careersidekick.com/time-wh —— 2022-10-30 06:51:43
9、【英语练习贴005】 Tell me one time you worked with someone you felt wasn't good at communicating? 【英语练习俱乐部】 Communication skills are valuable in nearly every job. Interviewers typically ask communication interview questions indirectly, making them important to prepare for. [图片] Please write down your real e —— 2022-10-13 19:02:31
10、【英语练习贴004】 What productivity tools do you use? Explain how they are useful.【英语练习俱乐部】 Here is a typical behavioral interview question about time management, especially for remote work. What productivity tools do you use? Explain how they are useful. Tomato Timer is a very popular produ —— 2022-09-30 10:26:22
11、【英语练习贴003】Write about one specific goal you want to achieve this year. 【英语练习俱乐部】 [图片] Have you ever set a goal but not achieved it? Let's learn how to set the SMART goal, and write about one specific goal you want to achieve this year. Explain how you are going to achieve them. Be —— 2022-09-13 09:54:25
12、【英语练习帖002】what will you do when facing layoffs and hire freezing【英语练习俱乐部】 [图片] COVID-19 has taken a toll on the workforce, and you must hear lots of companies in North America and China freezing hires, laying people off, or rescinding job offers. What will you do if you we —— 2022-08-22 07:47:32
13、the way to improve speaking English As the last item of "网站潜规则": "作为练习,更鼓励大家多用英文发帖或评论", so interesting. I've reading lots of tech books/articles in English, and in favor of listening songs in English, but write&speak little. I am c —— 2022-06-28 00:49:00
14、【英语练习帖001】Soft Skills vs Technical Skills – Which is more important for getting jobs【英语练习俱乐部】 [图片] Do you know the difference between soft skills and technical skills? Have you ever met someone you don't want to work with that they have weak soft skills? Related reading article: https:/ —— 2022-06-24 19:46:02
15、昨晚公开课-英文简历部分-Bullet Point-常用动词 我的英文简历是按照链接中的格式改造的,与昨晚老师所说的点不谋而合, 觉得挺有帮助,重点的单词摘抄出来: PS:简历通过筛选的概率挺大的 Improved Utilized Increased Decreased Intergrated Implemented Established Developed Incorpo —— 2022-05-12 14:19:53
16、请教下 code 的复数, is or are 发外突然想起来 code 是有复数的,这里到底应该用 is 还是 are ? [图片] —— 2022-04-22 09:46:35
17、【英文练习】So, do you still believe that "Technology without borders."? React/issues on GitHub is raged by a bunch of Chinese Developers due to the posed by React's mother company Meta. [图片] [图片] So, do you still believe that "Technology without borders."? 这是社区的[英文练习帖], —— 2022-03-03 23:05:18
18、分享英语学习资源《程序员的英语》以及每日英语听力无限译文方法 本人英语菜鸡一枚,每天扇贝背单词中,阅读的过程中来学习英文,效率应该会更高,所以找了一本阅读材料:《程序员的英语》,建议生词配合扇贝生词本学习,扇贝的记忆曲线个人感觉非常好用! 分享理由: 书中有很多技术文章,以及对技术文章一些语法讲解(对我的菜鸡英语来说很是需要了),如图: [图片] 每日英语听力: 用它的原因是~安卓有破解版而且学习资源非常丰富,作为一个极简消费主义者,特地把我的备用iphon —— 2022-01-21 16:06:34
19、我是如何从哑巴英语到无障碍英文工作沟通的 很多朋友都好奇我之前在国内没有全英文的环境,是如何提升英语口语能力的,所以周末憋了一篇这样的文章,希望能帮助到大家。 https://kenshinji.me/wo-shi-ru-he-cong-ya-ba-ying-yu-dao-wu-zhang-ai-ying-wen-gong-zuo-gou-tong-de/ —— 2021-10-12 21:47:52
20、无留学经验怎么自学英语 想问一下大家,没有留学经验,怎么自学英语,达到出国标准,工作自如交流 —— 2021-08-30 21:40:39
21、如何提高应用型英语水平? 英语有时真的会用进废退,经常用Google翻译感觉不太好,有时翻译不准确,也有被安利过录音翻译笔。请教一下提高应用型英语水平的方案? —— 2021-08-19 19:18:52
22、对于国内远程工作者怎样算英语过关?视频举例 最近一直学习英语,但不知道到哪种水平就能通过toptal之内的平台的英语测试,并且在远程工作的时候,能达到工作时对英语能力听的需求 就仅仅在听力方面而言, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-JNjsOX0N0c&loop=0 这种发音清楚,语速也慢的基本上都能听懂。 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=evw0h1kg-j4&loop=0 —— 2021-08-12 18:15:05
23、英语日记 07-06 一点趣事,记录一下,顺便练习下英语。 Today I ate dumpling at afternoon, because I haven't eat dumpling for some time .The stuffing is my favorite .It is fennel and park meat filled for dumpling. I go to the discount st —— 2021-07-07 09:39:54
24、英文学习:论一个工程师的自我修养 关于 Tubi: Tubi 是美国福克斯娱乐集团下独立运营的流媒体服务公司,总部位于美国西海岸的旧金山,目前拥有 300 多名员工并持续壮大中。 在免费视频领域,我们是北美最大的玩家,并建立了相当稳固的商业地位。 区别于像 Netflix、 Hulu 等付费的流媒体服务,我们为用户提供免费的高质量视频内容,通过广告获取收益,实现用户、内容提供商和广告主共赢。我们的合作伙伴包括派拉蒙、米高梅、狮 —— 2021-07-01 16:17:08
25、[开源项目]国内程序员容易发音错误的单词 这是个很有意思的 Github 开源项目,收录了一些常见的开发相关专有名词的正确发音(有音频哟),其中很多词汇都是我们日常工作中随时会用到的,比如我身边比较常见的有: app (don't say A-P-P 😉) nginx (怎么念的都有,但是官方名称是 Engine X,欧美国家有些人会连读) resume (听过太多英文面试的同学把自己的简历用拼音念成 re-su-me,正确发音区别很大) —— 2021-06-25 23:32:19
更新时间:2025-01-14 12:25:35